Hades: Live on Location

Cyclone Empire/Sound Pollution

Guitarist Dan Lorenzo seems perfectly clear that this is the one of their albums that is the most underrated. “Live On Location” became a memory of a single reunion. Most of the originals are there, plus Ed Fuhrman on guitars; Alan Tecchio, vocals, Dan Lorenzo, guitars, Jimmy Schulman, bass, and Tommy Coombs, drums.

“Prepare yourselves for the one and only HADES”, Alan shouts. The obvious opener “The Leaders?” will never disappoint, and that goes for old fans and newcomers to the band alike. The sound is good, the audience is not overdone and I always enjoy Jimmy´s bass lines. The talk in between songs is really tight, bordering on familiar. “King in Exile” feels better live than on the studio album, and the band feels sickly tight. They had not played together for a while when this night happened. A true great, is the speedy “Opinionate!”. HADES was faster and more technical than the Big Four, perhaps their biggest mistake? The audience in 1991 seems to see or hear absolutely nothing faulty with the band. There is not much to complain about from that night, but my fave “Aftermath of Betrayal (The Tragedy of…)” feels strangely direction and pointless. They also perform the unusual live addition “The Cross” with flying colors. As with “If at First You Don´t Succeed” the bonuses are the blandest part. They show their 90´s influences with “Gamblin´ with Your Life” and they show that they are still capable of showing off with speedy thrash like “Beté Noir”. The rest of the six tracks are somewhere in betwixt those outskirts. Perhaps this is the most worthy purchase of the lot, I´ll agree with Dan Lorenzo!

Track List
The Leaders?
King in Exile
On the Iliad
In the Meantime
Rebel without a Brain
Rape of Persephone
The Cross
Face the Fat Reality
I Too Eye
Aftermath of Betrayal

Bonus Tracks
Diplomatic Immunity -Live in the Studio
M.E.S. (Technical Difficulties)- Live in the Studio
Deter My Nation – Live in the Studio
Not a Part of Your Life – Live in the Studio
Gamblin´ with Your Life – Live in the Studio
Beté noir – Live in the Studio

www.cyclone-empire.com www.myspace.com/hadesusa