Hades: If at First You Don´t Succeed

Cyclone Empire/Sound Pollution

To enhance their second album HADES switched from Scott LePage to Ed Fuhrman, as a sign that all wasn´t well. Gigs with bands like MANOWAR, MURPHY`S LAW and NUCLEAR ASSAULT followed and they started on their third album even. Their third studio album was not to be in many a year. They even headlined their own European tour before tension mounted and hard feelings let to their demise. The members continued in bands like WATCHTOWER and NON-FICTION etc. But for now we head back to a fine time.

HADES showed no signs of slowing down in 1988. Ed had replaced Scott on guitars, and the sound on opener “Opinionate!” was a bit more in the direction of the Big Four. All the English influences were gone, and HADES stands on their own with their thrash/speed/prog. The vocals and the more trimmed guitar work must have been sales points. Still remaining were the bass lines and the rhythm as such, plus the sound quality had improved. There are so many speedy instrumental parts, pure progressiveness, famed songs like “Rebel without a Brain” and “I Too Eye”, plus the clearly improved studio work. It is more HADES and less of the influences in short. A more varied and unique track than “Aftermath of Betrayal (The Tragedy of…)” will never again be conceived by the band. The bonus tracks are more blend, “Decline & Fall of the American Empire” is a mature piece that shows new sides of the band. Some of the lesser tracks are also of a worse sound quality, and are hardly ok. The closers “Responsible” and “The Me that Might Have Been” are soft cozy prog, somewhat arty and show yet another side of the band. This is a mixed bag, but with a lot to show today´s bands.

Track List
In the Mean Time
Rebel Without a Brain
King in Exile
Face the Fat Reality
I Too Eye
Diplomatic Immunity
Process of Assimilation
Tears of Orpheus
Aftermath of Betrayal (The Tragedy of…)
M.E.S. (Technical Difficulties)

Decline & Fall of the American Empire
Force Quit
The Me that Might Have Been

www.cyclone-empire.com www.myspace.com/hadesusa