Municipal Waste, Saviours & Ramming Speed – 17/12/2010

Tonights gig starts earlier than normal for a gig due to the venue having a club night after the gig. For this reason when Ramming Speed take to the stage just after half past six, the venue is still half empty (doors dont usually open till 7). Boston based thrash band Ramming Speed put in a highly energetic performance with the singer in particular hardly staying still for more than a second. As they play the crowd steadily builds up, and many in the audience are clearly enjoying Ramming Speed’s set.

Next up is California band Saviours. Saviours are more metal than thrash, but this change of pace doesnt seem to worry the audience and the band get a good reaction to their set.

Tonight’s headliner is Municipal Waste, and the fans are vocal in their support. While the stage is being prepared, the chant of ”Municipal Waste is going to fuck you up” rings out repeatedly. The first crowd surfer comes over the top before the band even takes to the stage. Once Municipal Waste hit the stage, a steady stream of crowd surfers comes over the top with security being kept busy catching them and ejecting them from the pit. A wall of death during the set plus constant circle pits shows the fans enthusiasm. Tonights setlist is made up of a few tracks from each of the bands 4 albums (nothing from the debut EP though). The Hazardous Mutation album provides around half the songs in tonights set including ”Nailed Casket”, ”Terror shark” and ”Unleash the bastards”.
For the photographers, a Municipal Waste gig is always a challenge – the short songs mean around half the usual time in the photo pit, and much of this is spent dodging crowd surfers.
How to describe a Municipal Waste gig? Easy – Total mayhem – but great fun.

Municipal Waste photos:
Saviours photos:
Ramming Speed photos:

Municipal Waste setlist:

Intro/Blood drive/Accelerated vision
Beer Pressure
Terror shark
Divine blasphemer
The Thrashin’ of the Christ
Bass solo/Sadistic magician
Sweet attack
Black ice/I want to kill the president
Acid sentence
Mind eraser
Nailed casket
Wrong answer
Unleash the bastards
Born to party

Saviours setlist:

Apocalypse world split
Acid hand
Dixie dieway
Cavern of mind
Burning cross
Come on
Slave to the hex