The first big batch of bands confirmed for BA 2017 is here! Let’s start first with bands, that were forced to cancel their appearance this year but will come to play for You in 2017: ELECTRIC WIZARD, NILE and TERROR. While ELECTRIC WIZARD are the best stuff the drug-infused sabbathian doom has to offer, NILE helped to reshape death metal with new themes and energy by the turn of the millenium and TERROR are years proven veterans of the HC scene!

But the other bands also do not need any introduction! AUGUST BURNS RED will bring their powerful metalcore, AMORPHIS will present their unique transformation from old school death metal to their distinctive melodic take on the genre, GADGET will bring blasting swedish grindcore and MAYHEM will play the legendary De Mysteriis Dom Sathanas in its entirety! MORBID ANGEL have reunited with the charismatic frontman Steve Tucker and will play our festival after quite a long hiatus, needles to say this lineup has set up very high expectation from the fans from all over the world!

Returning to our fest are NERVOSA, this all-female thrash power trio is raging with typical Brazilian fury while different take on the genre will be presented by SACRED REICH, who will debut on our fest and who despite not making it into the big four are a genre classic! Next band on the list SWANS are a band that needs to be witnessed. Avantgarde rock group revolving around Michael Gira has a new album out and this tour will be the last in the current lineup, that witness the band in the best shape and productivy during their carrer. The last band on this list is the band that made the most of the combination of old thrash and modern approach to metal – TRIVIUM.

Check out our Youtube channel with live videos from bands like Death, Decapitated, Marduk, Primordial, Mayhem and many more and don’t forget to subsribe!

The early bird ticket for ”Brutal Assault 2017” is available for 78 EUR (1900 CZK) till April 30th at