For the first time, Hellfest Productions offers to its fan club the Hellfest Cult a new musical springboard concept: “The Voice Of Hell”. It’s the opportunity to promote new talents and to let the community to decide on a part of the Hellfest Open Air Festival’s line-up.

The musical springboard “The Voice Of Hell” is another way to galvanize and unite the Hellfest Cult community. All of the Fan Club members have from now the possibility to become actors, juries, audience members and decision-makers of their Klub‘s line-up (at the Metal Corner) ! Through this new project, bands can be proposed by Hellfest’s fans to participate in the competition. By voting for their favourite, they will select the band that will perform exclusively for them at the Klub during the 2016 festival’s opening.

An interactive website has been thought and created for its fans only and released on 7th March: This public platform displays a showcase of bands registered to this musical springboard by Hellfest Cult‘s members.  Since the website’s launch, several bands are already registered in and more are expected.

Thanks to our partnership with Wiseband, an award of more than 2000€ will reward the finalist bands. And also 3-Day Pass for the Hellfest Open Air Festival !

You are a metal band and you want to participate in “The Voice Of Hell” musical springboard? Write ASAP at Deadline for registration: Avril 8th.

#TVOH #thevoiceofhell @VOICE_OV_HELL