Bloody hell ! Here we are, finally able to make our first announcement of groups who will play at Hellfest 2016. We have tested your patience these last few days and we hope you will forgive us. As you know, instead of leaking tidbits of information, drip by drip, we’d rather go for the big splash! We are happy to announce this first list of groups, and we are equally curious to have your feedback on this 2016 vintage
We wish to thank all the festival goers who have shown us their support by buying their tickets well in advance, and we hope that this announcement will justify their confidence! At this point in time, we are also re-opening sales of the remaining 3-day passes. We had to put ticket sales on hold for those waiting to see the official line-up before purchasing, so as the tickets wouldn’t sell out. So, now that a major part of the line-up has been unveiled, you can get your 3-day passes on …before it’s too late. We wish you the best of luck in the last dash and expect to see you in great numbers here in Clisson’s diabolical inferno.
We will give you updates later on concerning the final line-up schedule and details for each band. Thank you once more for your support, your confidence and your patience…watch this space! #bloodyhell #hellfest