Since very first metalcamp, we supported metal community and newcomers by giving you slots at 2nd and main stage and promoting you with all big metal bands that played at our festival. We are aware how important newcomers are, and will continue to support you in the future as well….but we will ask YOU to support us as well!

This year we had almost 1000 bands, from all around the world, applied to play at METALDAYS 2013.
We just wonder how many of those bands are supporting us by coming to METALDAYS as visitors?  …we are talking about 4-5000 band members that would like to play at METALDAYS!!! Considering how many tickets we sell for METALDAYS we know that not many of those band members are actually coming to the festival that they would like to play…and this appears not fair to us.
Therefore, from 2014, only bands which will come personally to METALDAYS will get the chance to play at next-years edition. At least one band member needs to come to the info point at the festival. There you will need to fill the application form and leave your CD.
We do something for you – you show that you care about the festival, and do something for us… fair deal!

See you all in Tolmin!