Orange up the World and win 3 tickets to Roskilde Festival 2013 for your camp
We need to put up our Roskilde posters abroad, and we need your help! But wouldn’t it be too easy just to put up posters? We thought so and decided to make a contest out of it.
Which camp can put up 100 posters in the most creative and innovative way?
It could be anything from posing as one huge human poster to doing a projection on a wall. The only limit is your imagination – and the law, of course!
How to enter
Write up a description of how you and your camp will put up the posters here no later than 8 April 2013. Be creative and innovative. At 12 April we choose the camps with the most fun or alternative ideas for the poster setup, and they will receive 100 posters from us and orange up the World.
How is the winner found?
The poster camps have 12 days to put up posters. We ask all camps to document their work using photos. The final winners are the 10 camps who have managed to find the most funny, creative and alternative ways to put up the Roskilde posters.
Tickets prizes
The 10 winning camps each receive three tickets to Roskilde Festival 2013.
Best of luck to you all!
Any questions? Feel free to ask