Kickass ’80s! – Suzies shakes the studio

Four crazy rockers from Jönköping exploded in the studio as the cold winter reached Sweden-, mixing nostalgic feelings with heavy rock, spicing it with a touch of sleaze to wake us up! Their “best of“ album shows the public, once again, what rock ‘n roll is all about.

“Shakedown Suzies is still an unsigned band – although nowadays this may not be that important. Jon and Agust are pretty busy with their other band, The Embodied, writing songs, working on the new album, the touring… and since we all believe that they need to dedicate more of their time to fulfill their dreams with The Embodied, we decided to record our best songs before it is too late.”

This rock n’ roll formation was established by vocalist Erik and guitarist Jon on an early cold winter morning after party in 2009. Erik came back home drunk from Glam Slam, and decided to form a band with Jon. They recruited bass player Agust and drummer Mackey (also in Danger). At the end of 2010 Mackey left Shakedown Suzies to focus completely on Danger. Claes aka Mad joined as the new drummer shortly after.

With time Shakedown Suzies has evolved from a slightly sleazy rock band, -blame Erik-, to a more straight 80’s heavy rock n’ roll act. Jonathan loves classic heavy metal, Agust’s favourite band is Lynyrd Skynyrd, Claes is a death metal kinda’ guy and Erik is into the whole heavy sleaze–street things, they put it all into the ‘Suzie mix’. The result of this unique combination were songs which the audience seemed to love. The four guys have played with other awesome bands – including r’n’r heroes like Babylon Bombs, Sister Sin, Bai Bang and Roxie77. Their first gig ever was actually as support act for the Babylon Bombs. Something they will remember for the rest of their lives.

Their memories and recent work are now to be released, a record for the past and future, to keep rockin’ the fans. “We’re currently recording in HoboRec Studios with Ulf from Grace.Will.Fall. By now we just have some more vocals left and then we’re ready to mix and master the whole thing.” – says Erik. “And the release naturally depends on how we choose to release it. According to the plans the album will contain 8 songs in all. Most of them are old classics but we have also included a couple of new ones. It’s like our ”Best of” album! –Well, I guess everyone’s first album is kind of a ”Best of”.

The yet “untitled” debut album is set for a release during the spring of 2013, depending whether any labels are interested or if the band has to take care of distribution themselves. “We don’t know about the future but if people like our songs I’m sure we could manage some gigs somewhere between all Jon’s and Agust’s Embodied stuff. We’ve always been much better live than in someone’s headphones.”

//Rocket Queen