One of the best rock-metal competition of Sweden is getting close to its finish in the year, finding again notable groups to rock with them. Who loves the fresh blood? So, lets headbang hard in the end of the month, -the programme is not less, than ’young fighters’ with Hardcore Superstar in Stockholm- on 21st of December.

Released and unsigned is a competition in Sweden from 2010, clearly for unsigned, talented, and naturally impassioned bands. Guys are coming from everywhere, with different styles, and feelings, but who cares the ruins- just play us, ”nice boys, play, play, play rock ’n roll..”

The prize is huge: winner get the chance to play at Sweden Rock Festival in the next summer, so the stakes are really high, and the flurry also. But the rock audience likes the trilles…

After the two big winner, Seven Tribe (2010), and Reenact(2011), in this year The Drake Equation is one of the lucky ones in the end, having big chance now. They just released their first videoklip, and also were in the final part of an other music-competition recently. „Plans for the next years at the moment are really bigs: going to enter the studio in january…”- said the band so.
Seems like the guys are flying to the direction of success, we can say. Band is from Västerås, a metalcore format with pop, jazz and electronic influences. Their music and the mentioned video is also as a wild dream, an alternativ fairytale. After few jiffs hard metal music kicks you ass, then the melody hit your ears again. And you just simply meet the feeling of The Drake Equation. In my opinion it would be worth for an album. C’mon guys.