Mediaskare Records announce Free Label compilation download

US label Mediaskare Records have just revealed a free label sampler featuring 10 bands on their roster. The likes of Hundredth and Betrayal feature here. Few labels manage to consistently release music that speaks to so many people, and doesn’t compromise integrity. This is Mediaskare’s way of spreading news of their acclaimed roster a little bit further.

Lar Meade, Head of European A&R, had this to say;

“To celebrate our artists’ achievements, and our new expansion in the UK, Ireland and mainland Europe, all of us here at Mediaskare HQ have put together a free compilation to mark the occasion. Hopefully you get to find some of your new favorite bands along with rocking to your current favorites!

The last few years have seen Mediaskare go from strength to strength, both in the US and Europe. Our bands work relentlessly to produce albums at a near constant pace, and of world class quality. Throw into the mix their endless touring efforts and positive attitudes and we’re proud to say, and fully believe, we have the hardest working bands out there. This of course makes us work just as hard to bring their music to an ever expanding audience worldwide.”

You can download the whole compilation here: