Primal Rock Rebellion (Adrian Smith/Mikee Goodman) release brand new video

It’s never easy choosing singles from an album, especially an album where the songs are both well-crafted and packed with lyrics that instantly throw up all kinds of visual ideas, some more bizarre than others. So, following on from ‘No Place Like Home’ and ‘No Friendly Neighbour’, singles one & two from the debut Primal Rock Rebellion album, ‘Awoken Broken’, it was decided that followers of the project – new to the public, but several years in the making – should be given the chance to register their vote, and the band’s online sites duly glowed red hot with suggestion and counter-suggestion as to just what single three should be…

An interesting exercise for sure, and by and large, what the Primal Rock People wanted was ‘Tortured Tone’… not one of the album’s more deeply rockin’ moments, but certainly one of its most emotive, with a chorus that takes hold then refuses to budge.

For singer, lyric & melody writer Mikee Goodman, ‘Tortured Tone’ has always been a pivotal piece, proving he can shine just as brightly on material on the more measured side of that played by his previous outfit, SikTh, and also giving him the chance to take full control of the accompanying visuals. Conceived, cast & directed by Mikee, this lovingly constructed clip provides a clear insight into what was going through his mind when he penned the lyrics, and the final edit – again, overseen by Mikee – is sure to become a talking point amongst fans of the project.
“I really wanted to bring the vibe of the song out in this video and I believe this has been achieved, which is something I am really pleased about! This song means so much to me. It is such an emotional song and a real journey in itself.
The sorrow in the actress’ eyes was perfect, the scenery in this video was really important too. It has log cabins, woodland, seascapes, huge bright fields, cobble stone hills but the most challenging part was making it rain; I felt it was necessary for the feeling of the song, it was always in my mind. So I built my own rain machine. And it rained!” – Mikee Goodman
As with Primal Rock Rebellion in general, there’s no easy option take here, but the end results are all the more satisfying for the time and passion spent…