Late night fiction – Polar

Late night fiction are a Melodic post hardcore band from Hull. They formed in 2007, but the band as they are now only really came together in 2009 when they moved to a heavier sound and recruited new members. That year the band released their debut EP (Hands and numbers). Since then the band have featured on two live “BBC Introducing” sessions and have toured with bands including Grammatics, The Xcerts, Twin Atlantic, Flood of red, and Dinosaur pile-up.
The band are now releasing a new EP, Polar, with their album expected to follow towards the end of the year. Zane Lowe has already given the EP some airplay which has to be a good sign for the band.

Comments on a few tracks..

The EP opens with “Black watch”, a song that really shows what the band can do, and displays plenty of promise.

“Exits, pursued by a bear” is a good song, but the last minute just feels very out of place – almost tacked on to fill empty space. It certainly doesn’t fit the rest of the song, but it does however lead nicely into the next song. Perhaps it would have been better to move this section from being an outro to Exits.. to being part of the intro to Smashy “smashy beast” Beast.

“Dialetics” sounds subdued and almost muffled – it certainly doesn’t have the same punch that the other songs do, which does suggest that the mixing/mastering process went wrong with this song, as the song itself certainly seems that it should have as much power as other songs on the EP.

If melodic post-hardcore is your kind of music then this is a band that is definitely worth a listen – they’ve got the potential to go a long way and support from DJs like Zane Lowe can only help them get the recognition they deserve.

Polar will be released on 30th July via Grey Man records

Track listing:

1. Black watch
2. Exits, pursued by a bear
3. Smashy “Smashy beast” beast
4. Dialetics
5. Relax please