The Embodied- Living metal

Nor the band name, nor the same called debut album’s title isnt boastful or excessive, if somebody listens the first hits, at least for one minute. The Embodied band already demonstrated with the previous demo songs, and nowadays their first full lenght album conquer around Europe, that its worth enough to remember their name.

The first Embodied disk thoroughly shaked up the nordic metal world in autumn, occured great media-echo in Northern-Europe and Germany, than the surprised music-critics immediately picked out for the debut album of the year in 2011. After this great story the band also recognized, there is nothing to apologize or hide- the real metal music which is coming from heart and soul- its born in Scandinavia, nowhere else- than they must keep this noble tradition- pump it up with fresh blood from Jönköping- to wake up the ancient legend of north.
If I would need to classify the album called The Embodied exactly, I would say its the mixture of classical heavy metal, spiced by the charasteristics of spinning death style- in consequence is essencially a melodic iron music, a great meatl-deal, with a bit aftermath of Inflame or Iron Maiden effection. Dive in is quite worth, not only for the upper facts, even more to understand the deeper message of their message. As the drummer- Axel Janossy says in an interview, during the years they worked in and mixied in The Embodied music all the important and legendic metal features, to save them before anything would disappear or destroyed. „It always hurts us that there is a big gap between the classical heavy and the harder death metal. We are on to fill this gap somehow to stich them -this two, anyway- really work-able style- together. By the way, its pretty exciting to get off the normal and excepted highway, and create something really new- something extra finally- isnt it?”

Right. This is, the mentioned bit extra would be all those intangible charisma and attraction in The Embodied music which is effect on the audience already in the first moments- listening the disk. In the shadow of some sound or word well-known signs appear, a second from a legend, or a jiff what is like an old friend stands by us- but than two moments later its changing again, and the familiar feeling disappears, giving the place for something amazing and int he same way shocking sounds- makes us very uncertain in that- we know this song or its something pretty new in the world. Again and again, with a great new theme. The question is in the air. Its something pretty new, but even so familiar.
Thew music of The Embodied is an evil-circle, trap you, make you thinking, and you should listen it again.

Than, finally this ten songs achieved their goal, it worth enough- i guess it wasnt a light work- needs to add, the producer not a smaller name, than Andy LaRocque, who supervised the preparation of the album. Allegedly, if the news are truth, the second album is already planned and coming soon- although the guys need to exceed themselves, and this incredible successfull fisrt disk- with songs from soul- again…