Rupert Stroud launches charity single for Alzheimer’s Research UK

Singer-songwriter Rupert Stroud, from Leeds, releases a charity single entitled Always today to boost funds for Alzheimer’s Research UK. Always is a tribute to Rupert’s grandma Eileen who died two years, aged 87, after a long struggle with Alzheimer’s disease. The single will be available globally as a download here and 100% of the proceeds will be donated to the UK’s leading dementia research charity.

An official video has been filmed for the single, which will be available to view on YouTube –

Rupert’s music is a mix of indie, rock and pop and produced by Will Jackson (The Kaiser Chiefs, Embrace, The Cribs and The Music) at the Soundworks Studios in Leeds. Amid the release of his second album Chasing The Night (out May 21st) his motivation for supporting Alzheimer’s Research UK has remained fervent. He explains:

“My grandma was one of the sweetest souls you could ever meet – we were very close. When she was younger, Grandma enjoyed singing and could have gone on to be a professional dancer if circumstances were different. I’ve probably got my love of music and rhythm from her – she always encouraged me. But for the last few years of her life she needed 24-hour care. She didn’t recognise any of us and couldn’t speak – it was heartbreaking. She’d be proud to know this song is a tribute to her and that it will raise money for the new treatments so desperately needed for Alzheimer’s and other forms of dementia.

“My single is just the start of my plans to raise money and awareness for Alzheimer’s Research UK. I’m lining- up a series of music events, starting with a concert at the Ilkley Playhouse on 30 June. Writing music and performing live is my passion and having this positive focus makes it so worthwhile. It’s young people like me who’ll reap the benefits of today’s pioneering research. I want to do my bit to help so that other people don’t have to suffer like my wonderful grandma.”

Miranda Mays, Community Fundraising Manager for Alzheimer’s Research UK, said:
“We can’t thank Rupert enough for releasing his single Always to raise money for our vital dementia research. This song is a wonderful tribute to his much loved grandma Eileen. Every £20 raised from downloads of the single will pay for another hour of world-class research, bringing us closer to finding ways to diagnose, prevent, treat and cure Alzheimer’s disease and other forms of dementia.

“There are 820,000 people across the UK living with dementia today. Dementia poses one of the greatest threats to public health now and in the future yet funding for research still lags far behind other serious diseases. We rely entirely on our amazing supporters like Rupert to fund our crucial research. Everyone who downloads Always will give hope to the 820,000 people across the UK living with dementia today.”

View the official video for the single here –

Donations from as little as £2 will help, however please give as generously as you can –