Unisonic – Ignition EP

Unisonic may be a new name on the metal scene, but a lot of people will be drooling in anticipation at the thought of records and gigs from the band. The reason? Simple, it’s who makes up the band that is exciting. The band was founded by Michael Kiske (Helloween, Avantasia etc), and for the first time in 20 years, sees him working with Helloween founder Kai Hansen. The pairing of Hansen and Kiske, who worked together on what are widely regarded as Helloweens greatest albums – Keeper of the seven keys parts 1 & 2, is sure to excite fans. Making up the rest of the band are some other equally talented musicians – Mandy Meyer (Gotthard, Krokus, Asia), Dennis Ward (Pink cream 69) and Kosta Zafiriou (Pink cream 69).

This EP (or Mini album as they have described it) is just a taster before their debut album comes out at the end of March. Well after listening to it, I have to say – I can’t wait for the album – this is superb stuff.

Opening with screaming guitars and pounding drums Unisonic are out to make a big impression with this first track. The vocals of Michael Kiske sound fantastic and this track really shows what we’ve been missing with Kiske and Hansen not working together. They’ve crafted a great rock song here.

”My Sanctuary” is another great rock song. Not quite as fast and heavy as ”Unisonic” but just as impressive.

”Souls alive” – another great track. This really does make me impatient for the album. With the EP tracks all so strong, the album is bound to be impressive.

The final track is a live version of the Helloween classic, ”I want out”. It’s clear from listening to this that Michael Kiske still has a superb voice even 25 years after he recorded the song with Helloween. A great live version of a classic song.

The EP tracks are a great selection – each track is different and shows the band are able to pull off hard and heavy tracks as easily as the less heavy tracks, and including a live track shows that they’ve got what it takes in the live arena too.

If you’re a fan of Helloween or Gamma Ray or any of the bands and projects that Michael Kiske has lent his vocals to, then don’t wait for the album – get this EP to listen to for the next month till the album comes out – you won’t regret it.

An excellent introduction to a band that is going to be very well known before long.

Track listing:

1. Unisonic
2. My Sanctuary
3. Souls alive (demo version)
4. I want out (live version)