Stuka Squadron – Tales of the Ost

Stuka squadron are a London based band that combine World War 2 Germany with Vampires (seems obvious really doesnt it). They wear long German miltary leather coats, Iron Crosses, and Luftwaffe caps as well as displaying Vampire fangs to create a striking image. A striking image though is nothing without having the music to go with it, and Stuka Squadron aren’t lacking there either – they’re a damn good live band, so I was looking forward to listening to the album to see how they sound.

Well after a couple of listens I’m not disappointed – this is a great album.

Comments on a couple of the songs..

The intro – ”Into the breach” does a decent job of building up the mood ready for the first real song – ”Tales of the Ost”. This is a good opening track that shows what the band are about – great guitar work, strong vocals, and generally a song best listened to at full volume

”Stuka Squadron” has a strong Iron Maiden feel to it at times, and is another great track.

Zabulons inferno has a good heavy opening and a great catchy riff to it – a very good song.

The last track on the album is in my opinion, the best song here – it’s a perennial favourite from their live shows – ”We drink blood”. A really good song that like most of the album is best played LOUD !

My main criticism is of the production. Most of the time, everything just feels a bit flat and muted, but thats probably down to a low budget, and the album is good enough for this to be a minor issue really.

There’s definitely a feel of early Iron Maiden albums to a lot of this album, which is certainly no bad thing. The vocals are great and reminiscent of Bruce Dickinson at times, and the album is full of superb guitar work.

An excellent debut album from Stuka Squadron – buy it, and make sure you check the band out live – they’re great fun and the songs sound best played live at ear-splittingly loud volume !

Stuka Squadron are:

Duke Fang Begley- Vocals
Gravedigger Cox- Guitars
Sir Graveghoul Terrorsound – Guitars
Lord Graham Pyre- Bass
Baron Von Hammerstein – Drums

Track Listing:

1. Into the breach
2. Tales of the Ost
3. The last resort
4. Stuka squadron
5. A cross of iron
6. On the volga bridge
7. Tiger I
8. The fall
9. Lovecraft
10. Zabulon’s inferno
11. Lord of valhalla
12. One eyed god king
13. We drink blood