Lillian Axe – XI: The days before tomorrow

XI:The Days before Tomorrow is the eleventh release from Louisiana Music Hall of Fame members, Lillian Axe and marks the debut of new lead vocalist Brian Jones.
Despite the bands long history I’ve never really listened to them till now – too many bands and not enough time to listen to them I’m afraid.

My first impressions on listening to the album were very good – this is impressive stuff. Its good commercial melodic rock with nice smooth vocals and great tunes.

”Take the bullet” has a heavier more guitar driven beginning

The guitar solo in ”My Apologies” stands out and is very good, and fits well in the song – I’ve heard plenty where the guitar solo was clearly just there to fulfill someones ego rather than being something that worked well with the song

Brian Jones sounds great on this album and is clearly fitting in very well musically.

This is a great album – heavy enough to stop it being bland or boring, but not excessively heavy and packed with great songs. Well worth checking out.

”XI: The days before tomorrow” is released on 27th January via AFM records

Lillian Axe are:

Brian Jones – Vocals
Steve Blaze – Guitar / Keyboard
Sam Poitevent – Guitar
Eric Morris – Bass
Ken Koudelka – Drums

Track Listing:

1. Babylon
2. Death comes tomorrow
3. Gather up the snow
4. The great divide
5. Take the bullet
6. Bow your head
7. Caged in
8. Soul disease
9. Lava on my tongue
10. My apologies