Straylings – Entertainment on foreign grounds

Straylings are Bahraini/Austrian singer/songwriter Dana Zeera and English guitarist Oliver Drake. They released their debut EP in 2008, and are now back with a full length album – Entertainment on foreign grounds.

Straylings fall into the ”alternative” category of music – in other words the category to cover any band that doesnt fall neatly into any of the other genres. Their sound is definitely reminiscent of ”White Rabbit” era Jefferson Airplane – that slightly rocky psychadelic sound, with similarly haunting vocals.

There are three songs from the album available to listen to on the band’s facebook page which I’d certainly recommend that you go and listen to – the songs are fairly representative of the album and if you like them then buy the album.

This is a really good album. The music varies from the psychadelic Jefferson airplane sound to a more modern folk/rock sound not dissimmilar to Amy MacDonald. The vocals are consistently good and vary from a more rock sound to a haunting sound.

However you choose to categorise or describe Straylings, one thing is clear – they’re talented musicians who have created a great album. Definitely well worth a listen.

”Entertainment on foreign grounds” will be released in March on Deadpan records

Track listing:

1. Carver’s kicks
2. Sleep shapes
3. The saguaro
4. The spoils
5. Bitter face
6. Marie & the dusty lands
7. Kings of the mire
8. Arcadian moon
9. The unravelling of Mr Ed
10. Animal flag
11. To lay down roots