Descending: New Death Celebrity

Massacre/Sound Pollution

Greek modern thrash outfit DESCENDING is produced by Fredrik Nordström at Fredman Studios. I´m a bit surprised when I see excellent guitarist Constantine involves, the rest are guitarist Theo, bass player/vocalist Noir, vocalist/shouter Jon Simvonis and drummer/percussionist Nick Vell. They debuted in 2008, not long after forming, with “Enter Annihilation”, which brought them good reviews and a good deal of gigs and festivals. They have opted for a psychoacoustic result, which is…

They open in fine fashion with “No Other Gods before Me”, a fine riff moves into a melodic part, which is followed by massive death/thrash. The ensuing “Suicide Promise” has groovy vocals, and an ultra-heavy start. The grooves of thrash seem to linger in this modern take, but the shouts and vocals are sometimes killing me! Many of the songs are saved the sheer energy and grooves of the band. But when they experiment in wider terms with songs like the FAITH NO MORE of thrash “Shared Planet”, the food mixer sounding “Escape the Mirror” or the totally bonkers “The Ghost of Nation Past” I wish I was somewhere else. The ending of “Path to Healing” comes across as an excuse for the past three songs with its fine vocals, and a unity that is more of a gentle modification and preservation of thrash´s glorious past. Half of the album is fine, half is a nightmare.

Track List
No Other Gods Before Me
Suicide Promise
Until I Generate
How Much Life Weights?
I Keep Returning
The Energy
Shared Planet
Escape the Mirror
The Ghost of Nation Past
Path to Healing