Vanderbuyst: In Dutch

Ván Records/Sound Pollution

2008 marked the beginning of Dutch metal band VANDERBUYST. Still consisting of Jochen Jonkman, bass/vocals, Willem Verbuyst, guitars, and Barry Van Esbroek, drums, the Dutchmen release their second outing. Their admiration for the 80´s cannot be mistaken, and their visual style is reminiscent of TANK in their heyday. Musically there are no surprises here, yet, but guitar driven NWOBHM or a less intricate MSG/UFO if you like. Live seems to be their right environment, and the songs are recorded with Pieter Kloos, again, and with a true live sense. The album cover will remind you of things in the past, and the music too, so, here goes.

Opener “Black and Blue” is very in-your-face, very eighties in every way, but the refrain is not quite up to par with their previous work. “Into the Fire” might remind you of DOKKEN, but the opening guitar work is more in the line of MICHAEL SCHENKER than GEORGE LYNCH. The refrain is far superior to the opener, and why this wasn´t the opener is a fair question. The live feeling is there, the sweaty studio gig is almost visible to your mind´s eye as you listen. The tracks are slightly above average until the contagious “Reap the Fields”. That track, and the even more supreme “KGB” raises the bar. The Russioan inspired track is quite fast, highly reminiscent of GASKIN´S “High Crime Zone”. A song that will take them places! The ending of “Where´s That Devil” is a mystery. No more heedlessness, no smiles, just a depressed moaning about waiting for death, vocalist Jochen is not quite recognizable even! But still VANDERBUYST is a band with a future, just stick to your guns and enjoy your studio time…

Track List
Black and Blue
Into the Fire
Anarchistic Storm
String of Beads
Leaving the Living
Reap the Fields
Where´s That Devil