An interview with The Quill – 22-11-2011

Festivalphoto: You last played the UK in 2004 – why the long seven year wait for you to come back?

The Quill: (laughing) that’s a good question, we dont know. We did some shows in Sweden, Holland and Germany then the record company – we broke up with them, then we broke up with the previous manager, then after that the singer left and nothing much happened, it was a downward spiral for a year or two, so we haven’t had the opportunity to do it, and the band didnt really exist for one and a half or two years actually. So that’s the reason. We’ve got a new manager with good connections here in the UK so this is the kick off for us now. We’re playing one show tonight then we’re planning to come back here in March hopefully or January if something works the way we want it. It won’t take seven years for us to come back.

Festivalphoto: Your latest album, ”Full circle” was released earlier this year. Can you tell us a bit about the album and the songs on it?

The Quill: It’s so hard to describe it. It’s hard and heavy but it’s not metal, it’s heavy rock with a lot of energy, power, balls and groove.

Festivalphoto: How do you think it compares to your earlier albums?

It’s more straightforward, shorter songs, a little more attitude. The vocal department with max our new singer who has a lot of new qualities, we really tried to explore those new sounds we could get vocal-wise, a lot of harmonies and stuff. We have explored new musical territory with this album.

Festivalphoto: You’re part way through your short European tour. How is it going so far?

The QUill: The audience enjoy it and we enjoy it, eveything works well now.

Festivalphoto: What is your favourite type of live show and why – festival, large venue or small venue?

I like them all. Extremely small venues can be a pain with really bad sound and no monitors, but this size venue (Barfly) or bigger is good. Its also good to play outdoor festivals in the summer.

Festivalphoto: What bands do you think have influenced your music?

The Quill: When we started out we were vey much ’70s influenced – the obvious bands – Led Zeppelin, Deep Purple, Black Sabbath, Grand Funk…. then we listen to 80s rock bands as well such as Whitesnake, and a lot of the stoner bands.