Uriah Heep: Live in Armenia

Frontiers/Sound Pollution

URIAH HEEP recently turned 40 (in 2009). They may be older than quite a few of their fans,but Messrs.; Bernie Shaw, vocals, Mick Box, guitars, Trevor Bolder, bass, Phil Lanzon, keyboards, and “new boy” Russell Gilbrook, drums seem happier than ever. Many oldie bands have apparent motivational problems, URIAH HEEP played approximately 250 shows on their 2009 tour. One of the nights was spent in Armenia, with hired equipment and other difficulties. But here it is, alive, warts and all.

The joy of the crowd is not to be mistaken, and the Eastern Bloc was once a rescue mission for an ailing band in the late eighties. Now they return triumphant. Gone are the worst parts of adapting to the times and present is a mature band with a 50/50 selection of golden oldies and, mostly, vital new additions. They culled no less than seven tracks off their then brand new “Wake the Sleeper”. The rest is only almost the safe choices, mixed with singled out tracks like “Sympathy” off the “Firefly” album. I was most amazed by the rejuvenated feeling of these old foxes. I saw them once at Sweden Rock and their performance was almost entirely faultless. But here I get the feeling someone has a time machine hidden back stage. I mean, how many times has Mick Box played “Easy Livin´”? But the attack is there, and keyboard man Phil Lanzon proves he was the right choice back in 1986. The bass lines of ex. BOWIE/ZIGGY BAND man Trevor Bolder are simply uplifting. I sure hope nothing ever happens to this line-up. The weirdest thing is the drums sound at times, not untight or out of tune but simply weird…borrowed equipment I believe. This lot is a srecommendable now as they were in their heyday, with or without irreplaceable vocalist David Byron (R.I.P.) and drummer extravaganza Lee Kerslake!

Track List
Wake the Sleeper
Tears of the World
Book of Lies
Look at Yourself
What Kind of God
Angels Walk with You

July Morning
Easy Livin´
Lady in Black

www.frontiers.it www.myspace.com/uheep