Category Cd Reviews

Striker: Armed to the Teeth

Napalm/Sound Pollution

Canada has contributed a lot to rock and metal over the years, albeit more often in the shadow of big brother the US of A. This is the second album of STRIKER, the first being “Eyes in the Night”(2010), and there is also an EP by the name of “Road Warrior” (2009). The recording band consists of Dan Cleary, vocals, Ian Sandercock and Chris Segger, guitars, bass player Dave Arnold and drummer Adam Brown. Inspired by bands like SAXON, IRON MAIDEN and ANNIHILATOR they have set out for world domination in true eighties fashion. So…?

The first two songs definitely kills off all suspicions of unfaithfulness or a modern take on anything. Opener “Forever” is a fine sounding almost Taliban version of what ruled the earth approximately 30 years ago...

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Dusan Petrossi´s Iron Mask: Hordes of the Brave

Lion Music

In 2005 DUSAN PETROSSI`S IRON MASK released this stomper, which is now re-released in a very limited run. The band consisted of Dusan on all guitars, iron lung vocalist Goetz “Valhalla Jr” Mohre, and Oliver Hartmann as a guest, keyboard wizard Richard Andersson, and the Russian rhythm section of Vassili Moltchanov on bass and Arnold Arkhipov on drums. What can this sound like then…

Well first up the sound is very ok. If you have ever heard a wild Swede by the name of YNGWIE MALMSTEEN you will feel at home most of the time. Second up I don´t get the use of a guest vocalist as Goetz does a prime job. But all in all this is perhaps to a large extent summed up by opener “Holy War”...

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Pretty Maids: It Comes Alive (Maid in Switzerland)


PRETTY MAIDS has a pretty unique outlook, they can capitalize on both their success of the eighties, and in present times. Arguably their finest releases all came in the heyday of heavy metal around the mid-eighties, but 2010´s “Pandemonium” offered a plethora of prospect titles for future best of albums. 21 massive tracks, and an impressive effort of original members vocalist Ronnie Atkins and guitarist Ken Hammer. The rest of the band has spent less time in the band but are important additions nevertheless; drummer Alan Tschicaja (ROYAL HUNT, MISSING TIDE), keyboard player Morten Sandager (MERCENARY) and bass player Rene Shades of MIKE TRAMP fame. On with the show…

The atmospheric stormy weather intro progresses into “Pandemonium”, which may surprise a few since it i...

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Black Majesty: Stargazer

Limb Music/Sound Pollution

BLACLK MAJESTY started out as KYMERA, which was probably taken why they switched names. Two years they spent working on their debut “Sands of Time”, released in 2003. From then on they have been releasing discs just about every other year, with the exception of “In Your Honour”, which took three years to be made. The band seems to have withstood the pressure and consists of vocalist John Cavaliere, guitarists Steve Janevski and Hanny Mohamed, drummer Pavel KOnvalinka, and …that´s it, there has never been a steady bass player. For live and studio time they rely on buddies, that´s one way of doing it. Roland Grapow has mixed again, and the cover adds some modern touch to that classic RAINBOW song that might just have been the object of the title…


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Eldrimner: Inom förloppet av ett liv

Ett timglas av döda kroppar och texten ”Timme efter timme rinner sanden sakta ner till timglasets botten. Likt den bottenlösa nakenhet i människans bisarra värld, där vi ruttnar.”
Det är vad man möts av när man kommer in på Eldrimners hemsida. Ingen glad historia det här således…

Eldrimner bjuder på black/döds med få lugna stunder. Mest av allt är det ett hänsynslöst manglande. Ett kaos som tar mer än en lyssning att sätta sig in i, men när låtarna väl fastnar är det värt kämpandet. Det blir aldrig tråkigt utan det finns en skön dynamik över låtarna och plattan som helhet, mest tydligt kanske i “Ditt sista andetag” som är en av plattans höjdpunkter.

Alexander Andersson (även i Marionette) levererar texter på modersmålet med en rasande ansats...

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The Grotesquery: The Facts and Terrifying Testament of Mason Hamilton – Tsathoggua Tales

Cyclone Empire/Sound Pollution

THE GROTESQUERY rose to prominence in early 2009, and here is the second opus. Formed by Rogga Johansson of PAGANIZER and BONE GNAWER fame and Kam Lee, the voice of MANTAS/DEATH and MASSACRE. Completing the blasphemy on bass and drums respectively are Johan Berglund and Brynjar Helgetun. The first album, “Tales of the Coffin Born”, was a major hit and success, and now…I fear they might repeat the achievement.

Fear, horror, H.P. Lovecraft and Edgar Allan Poe all infest this release. The sheer brutality, melody and ease of reinventing the scene are ubiquitous. Opener “The Madness (Of Mason Hamilton)” is very good, but no more in this collection of songs...

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Silent Opera: Immortal Beauty


Italian band SILENT OPERA debuts with Ravenheart Music, after some lineup changes. First signs of life came in 2007, and the will to mix symphonic metal with visual art rose. The band now consists of guitarist and main composer Claudi Ranieri, a.k.a. Rain, vocalist Ambra Gerussi, a.k.a. Aria, drummer Loris Volcizzi, a.k.a. Shadow and Andrea Pin, a.k.a. Kabal, bass. Since the recording of this album the band has changed both vocalist and bass player, I might have a good idea why the first change happened.

There are some dreadful out-of-tune vocals on some of the songs. Ex. vocalist Lady Victoria was probably in the deep end here. The material in itself is also rather weak at times, but there is also hope for the future...

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Zombiefication: Reaper´s Consecration

Pulverised/Sound Pollution

Mexican duo ZOMBIEFICATION return with their second outing, produced by Tore Stjerna at Necromorous Studios. The Mexican duo of MAJESTIC DOWNFALL and DIES IRAE fame came to life in 2009, reveling in gore and blasphemy. Their fondness for Swedish riffs and putrefaction will soon be heard of (smelled?), and the taster of a cover was designed by vocalist Mr. Stitch.

The chosen style will no doubt please fans of Old School death, but there is a tad of originality thrown in, without desecrating the music. Tore has as most of the time done a fine production job and there is a kind of clear channel separation in the music. The many melodic breaks and atmospheric parts add to the pleasant experiences of “Dead Today, Dust Tomorrow” and “”Death Rides”...

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Crazy Lixx: Riot Avenue


Swedish band CRAZY LIXX has been in the spotlight since 2007, when they debuted with “Loud Minority”. Formed in Malmoe in 2002 they were a part of the New Wave of Swedish Sleaze alongside the likes of CRASHDIET and HARDCORE SUPERSTAR. Up to date they have released three albums, of which their second effort, “New Religion” had potential but also flaws. Sporting influences like KISS and GUNS´N`ROSES they go for the throat with “Riot Avenue”.
Opener “Whisky Tango Foxtrot” has balls and cocky lyrics, just like I expected.

It´s not a bad opener at all, but “Rock and a Hard Place” off “New Religion” was in all honesty better. This album has more balls than a lorry of male birds, but also some serious experiences of having heard it all before...

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Blackmore´s Night: A Knight in York


Ritchie temporarily left the European mainland for a trip to York, to the Grand Opera House to be precise. York only happens to be almost plagued by mediaeval buildings; a guildhall, a wall, one of the largest gothic cathedrals in Europe etc. Of cause Ritchie had to lay there, and do a little picturesque bonus to the tones of “Minstrel Hall”. But there is more, let´s not forget abot the sold out arena.

Opener “Locked within the Crystal Ball” could well have been Blackadder´s “See the little Goblin”, since the audience was happy only to see the old bard on British soil. Ritchie is in a fabulous mood, must be the setting and the immaculate band. As could be expected Ritchie is the star of the evening...

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