Limb Music/Sound Pollution
Here comes more heavy metal from the land of the Romans. Pisa is famed for its leaning tower, but VEXILLUM wants to make you notice the town´s heavy metal as well. Or at least the Folk heavy metal, as the five members pose proudly in kilts. Back in 2004 they formed as SHADOW VEXILLUM, Scottish kilts were soon added to their stage show and in 2006 vocalist Dario Vallesi joined in. While working on their debut effort they also shortened their name to VEXILLUM, and the demo “Neverending Quest” appeared in 2007. Since then they have released an album “The Wandering Notes”, changed drummers and worked on this one.
They do ride out at first, as “The Wanderers Note” opens with that and a hum. The rest is folky power metal with a slightly husky voice...
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