Category Gig/Festival Reviews

Entombed @ L’Orient 25/9 2010

Den lilla men folkkära linköpingsklubben/restaurangen L’Orient är redan knökad när det första förbandet At My Trial ställer sig på scenen för att dra igång publiken inför kvällens höjdpunkt Entombed. Sami, ägare till L’Orient, pilar storförtjust omkring i lokalen där mer människor samlats än någonsin tidigare. Stämningen är vibrerande och Linköpingsborna höjer sina ölglas till ett samfält vrål när Entombed med L-G i spetsen intar scenen.

Eftersom jag känt sångaren L-G sedan länge får jag tillfälle att umgås med bandet innan spelningen. Jag finner dem samlade på drickabackar och pinnstolar bakom scenen i ett mindre förrådsrum...

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Firewind, Breed 77 & Primitai – Relentless Garage, London – 07/01/2011

First on stage tonight are Sandhurst band Primitai. Recently named as one of the bands to watch for 2011 by Classic Rock magazine, this young thrash/metal band take to the stage in front of a half filled venue – the rest of the audience and all the press/photographers are still queueing outside. Once inside it was a quick dash to get photos taken before the end of the bands first song (sadly half the photographers tonight were unable to photograph the band as the door staff’s decision to make them queue with everyone else meant they didnt enter the venue till after the third song, so were refused access to the photo pit.
Once the photos were out of the way I was able to relax and enjoy watching the band...

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The Pogues & Sparrow and the Workshop – Brixton Academy, London – 21/12/2010

Tonights support band are the oddly named ”Sparrow and the workshop”. This three piece folk-rock band from Glasgow take to the stage in a half-full venue – many people are either struggling with the snow or are simply preparing for the Pogues by drinking in nearby pubs. While they do get plenty of applause, this bands sound seems more suited to smaller venues and in my opinion they struggle to create any real impact in such a large venue, which is as they admit the largest they’ve ever played.

By the time The Pogues eventually make it on stage the venue is full to bursting point with an enthusiastic crowd. The band come on stage with singer Shane McGowan staggering which suggests their late entry to the stage is the result of some pre-show drinking on his part...

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Municipal Waste, Saviours & Ramming Speed – 17/12/2010

Tonights gig starts earlier than normal for a gig due to the venue having a club night after the gig. For this reason when Ramming Speed take to the stage just after half past six, the venue is still half empty (doors dont usually open till 7). Boston based thrash band Ramming Speed put in a highly energetic performance with the singer in particular hardly staying still for more than a second. As they play the crowd steadily builds up, and many in the audience are clearly enjoying Ramming Speed’s set.

Next up is California band Saviours. Saviours are more metal than thrash, but this change of pace doesnt seem to worry the audience and the band get a good reaction to their set.

Tonight’s headliner is Municipal Waste, and the fans are vocal in their support...

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Helloween, Stratovarius and Trick or Treat – HMV Forum, London – 05/12/2010

Tonights opening act are Italian band Trick or Treat who originally formed as a Helloween tribute band but soon developed their own material. Unfortunately tonights winter conditions have caused major train disruption so I only manage to catch their last few songs, but thoroughly enjoy what I hear. The band has a style that will appeal to Helloween fans as well as most power metal fans. Visually they are quite striking with their brightly coloured guitars and colourful outfits. A band definitely worth checking out.

Next up tonight is Stratovarius. They are clearly a popular choice with the fans – as the bands backdrop is hoisted into position at the back of the stage, the cheers from the crowd are almost deafening...

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Hard Rock Hell 2010

HardRockHell IV.

A holiday camp, in Wales, in December, i must be mad.

I’m not the only one though, as 4000 rock fans descend on Pontins in Prestatyn for the 4th annual Hard Rock Hell festival. 60 bands, over 3 stages, over 3 days.

Thursday kicks it all off with a fancy dress party based on this years theme, which was Pirates.

Highlight’s where the Virgin Marys, 9xDead, and the ever popular Tigertailz, we where then treated to Attica Rage, who performed a covers set with a surprise singer !, Jonni Davis, the power behind HRH, got up on stage and sang a medley of Ronnie james Dio tracks in memory of one of rock’s greatest vocalist...

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Xerión: Cantares Das Loitas Esquecidas


Gallicisk mytologi inspirerade Nocturno (gitarr/bas/sang/programmering) till att börja med sitt project XÉRION 2001. Tre demos på tre år fick han till, och de har getts ut på CD i omgångar. Det blev senare dags för medlemmar, men de kom och gick innan dagens line-up blev klar; Nocturno, Daga, keyboards, Iron, gitarr, och O Rei Celta No Exilio, flöjt/pipa/vissla. Ingen trummis alltså. 2007 kom debuten, 2009/10 en EP, och nu är det alltså dags för tvåan.

Körsång modell kloster inleder till åska och regn i ”Badaladas Funerais No Esmorecer da Iua”. Akustisk gitarr och trummor öppnar sedan ”O Espertar do Xérion”, innan Nocturnos torra röst tar kommandot. Trummaskinen låter (som alltid) torftigt, big no-no...

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HELLOWEEN, Stratovarius & Avatar @ Mejeriet 8/12

Äldsta besökaren någonsin, en febrig finne och en tysk teatergrupp!

Återigen besökte tyskarna i Helloween Lunds Mejeriet. Den här gången hade de inte sällskap med sina vapendragare och konkurrenter Gammaray, utan denna kväll bjöds det på finsk melodisk power i form utav Stratovarius och göteborgsdöds från hungriga Avatar.

Förväntade mig fullt hus när tyskarna spelar här men det var tyvärr inte slutsålt på långa vägar. Kändes som om där var mer folk när Stratovarius headlinade där för lite mer än ett halvår sedan! Kanske de flesta blev avskräckta pga det höga biljettpriset på nästan 400kr nu i julklappstider.

Kvällens öppningsband, svenska Avatar från Göteborg bjöd den oväntade Heavy-Metal publiken på lite dödsmetall...

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Arch Enemy, Chthonic, Malefice & Grand Magus – 27/11/2010

Tonight’s show is opened by Taiwanese band Chthonic (pronounced Ker-Thonic). Despite the early start (doors opened at 6.30 and Chthonic are on at 7pm) there is a good sized crowd by the time they come on stage. First out on stage is their drummer, Dani with his face hidden behind a Hannibal Lecter style mask, before the rest of the band join him on stage.
Female bassist, Doris (who looks far more glamorous than the name suggests) also does backing vocals and is clearly having a lot of fun on stage. For a couple of songs, singer Freddy also plays a unusual looking instrument – a Chinese violin-like instrument called a Erhu or Hena
For the song ”Painkiller” the band were joined by a special guest – Agamoth from Abgott.
The crowd are clearly enjoying the bands performance tonight with lots...

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Before The Rain + Katatonia (27-11-10)

Before the Rain + Katatonia (27-11-10)

The concert took place again at Hard Club (Porto), and as I mentioned in my last review (see Anathema 03-11-10) the heat inside the venue was horrible, so I think everybody was praying that the air conditioning system would be working this time; but that was only wishful thinking because, despite the four giant air conditioners they got placed along the wall, it was really hot but I guess less worse than the last time. Another problem was the fact that anyone who wanted to “get rid” of their coats so they could be more comfortable inside the venue couldn’t do it because there wasn’t enough space in the cloakroom; there were some complaints about the smoke too.

The night started pretty early (9pm sharp) with Portuguese band Before the Rain debu...

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